Thursday, January 31, 2013

Weather Like Grandma

I’m getting the hang of weather here. Tuesday night a powerful cold front roared in, bringing heavy rain. Its fierce wind blew all day Wednesday, nearly knocking me off my feet. But sometime in the night the storm blew itself out.

By this morning Nature’s tantrum was over and utter peace reigned. Water in the canals was glassy, reflecting perfectly the objects above it, even the far-off gibbous moon.

It is low tide now and the bay’s mud flats are teeming with birds having breakfast. Many gulls primarily, but also white ibis, blue herons, egrets and whimbrels.

This weather reminds me of my Irish grandmother, who occasionally threw an all-day fit of temper but woke the next morning sweet as pie.

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer

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