Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Health and Prosperity

In the wee hours of the first day of 2013 a mighty clap of thunder shook the house. Rain poured in torrents on the roof, its drumming like music like music to people who have lived through two years of drought. Altogether, five inches of wonderful rain fell, perhaps portending drought relief beyond the island.

Later, in the afternoon, Dennis reported that a flock of white ibis was feeding in a neighborhood vacant lot. White ibis being another good omen, I rushed out with the camera. When I approached, the birds did not fly, but slowly walked away from me, foraging as they went. Consequently, most of my photos feature ibis butts, but I did get one that shows their long, curved bills. (Double-click the image to see more detail.)

Oddly, one long-billed curlew was feeding with them. It is the one dark bird in the photo.

The day ended with a fine supper of black-eyed peas, kale and cornbread.

Dick, who is a Texas native, tells me that each item on our menu has symbolism: the black-eyed peas represent coins, the greens represent folding money and the cornbread represents gold. All about wealth, but I have an additional interpretation: every dish is health-giving. Health and prosperity – that’s what I hope the year brings all of us.

Copyright 2012 by Shirley Domer

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