Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sprung Too Soon

We haven't suffered enough! We haven't been snowed in or even shoveled snow! Winter never came and now spring has sprung too soon.

Why are the daffodils blooming now?

Why are the anemones scattered like blue stars in the yard now? In 35 years they never have bloomed this early.

Although many of the spring blooming flora have been fooled and are in bloom, including the apricot trees, we don't trust this early spring. We fear they will be nipped in the bud if normal weather returns.

Temperatures above 80 have set records the past two days. What if this is the beginning of a horrifically hot summer?  It's beginning far too early. Will our garden burn up in June? What does this unusual weather mean?

How many lovely days are spoiled by our worry about the future? Will we ever learn to be here now, to relish the moment fully?  No doubt rocky days lie ahead, but we don't yet know what they are. Que cera, que cera.

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