Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lost Ground Regained

Several years have passed since I have been able to do any substantial garden work, but yesterday I planted a short row of kale and two Canada Red rhubarb plants. I used a spade to dig two holes for the rhubarb and mixed in compost. I used the hoe to prepare a furrow for the kale. Doesn't sound like much, but for me it was a triumph – lost ground regained.

That I'm able now to do these things is all due to having had both my wrists fused. I've lost a lot of muscle during my fallow period, but that, too, will return as I do more work.

I wish I felt as exuberant as the apple tree this morning,

and as sassy as the dandelions.

I don't have these blooms' freshness. I'm more like the wizened apple one of those blossoms will become. I'm more like the dandelions' naked, rather ugly seed stalks that will appear next week. That's fine with me. I'm just thankful to have regained lost ground in the garden, thankful to be able to participate in this fecund time by setting out broccoli and planting potatoes.

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