Saturday, March 10, 2012

French Creeps

One day many years ago Barbara and Sandy came to my house to learn to make cheese blintzes. Barbara brought her young son Aaron, who looked at the French crepes recipe and exclaimed, "You're making French creeps?"

Every culture seems to have its version of filling wrapped in a flat pre-cooked dough. Enchiladas, crepes and blintzes, for example. Crepes and blintzes differ only in their traditional fillings, so we were using a crepes recipe to make blintzes.

About once a year I get the urge to make crepes with mushroom and spinach fillings. Crepes are very thin, so a small amount of batter is poured into the pan and swirled to distribute it evenly in a thin layer. Last June the crepes urge hit, but making the crepes was so painful to my wrists I declared, "That's the last time I'll ever make crepes."

By now I should have learned to never say "never."  I made a batch of crepes this morning aided and abetted by my newly fused wrists.

First I made the spinach filling, which is basically creamed spinach with parmesan cheese stirred in.

It looked like this.

Then I made the mushroom filling. Yep, that's sherry in the little measuring cup.

Then I mixed the crepes batter.

Here's a crepe baking in the pan. A hole doesn't matter.

Filling is the easy part. This one is mushroom.

The first pan of crepes is half spinach and half mushroom.

Altogether there were 30 crepes.

This evening I'll bake the large pan of crepes. The other pans will go into the freezer for a day when I don't feel like cooking.

It sure is good to be making French creeps again, pain free.

1 comment:

Jayhawk Fan said...

And to think you thought fused wrists would be your downfall! I'm thrilled you're back in the kitchen using your artistry to feed those you care about!