Friday, April 22, 2011


Who would guess that this woman has wanderlust?

Well, she does. She had lived in many places – Grandview, Missouri; Kansas City, Missouri; Lawrence, Kansas; Baldwin, Kansas; Boston, Mass.; Boulder, Colorado; Denver, Colorado; Flagstaff, Arizona; Portland, Maine; and Burlington, Vermont. (Have I left out any residence?) Some of these places she has lived in more than one time.

After five peaceful years back in Lawrence, she is excited about moving to Maine! How we will miss her if she goes!

Is there a wanderlust gene? Looking back at Carol's ancestors, I find only Uncle Earl, my mother's brother. He was a homesteader in Alaska in the 1940's.

Pippi, Carol's eight-year-old,  has declared that she will live in an orphanage rather than move. I'm going to invite Pippi to stay here with me. She will go with her parents, of course, given the choice, but I would have loved seeing her grow up from up close.


Jayhawk Fan said...

Heaven knows, Pippi's had practice playing an orphan since she's memorized all the songs from the Broadway hit, ANNIE!

I consider my dear, dear, beloved sister a traitor! How can my baby sister move yet again? Whenever she has lived far from home for too long before, she has confessed to me that she doesn't know why she ever thought leaving was a good idea. She has the pioneer spirit, that's for sure!

My heart is broken that they may pack up and move far away, and I don't even live in town! I'm gonna blame this one on you, my dear mother! You taught us to be independent women and modeled some pretty forward-thinking possibilities for us since we were very young!

I love you both! And of course, Pippi too!

Shirley said...

If you think it's nurture, not nature, maybe I have only myself to blame.

Jayhawk Fan said...

Look at ME and you know it's NATURE! She inherited SOMETHING from SOMEONE, but you raised us well!

We can't forget her (our) stint in Luxurious Leawood!