Friday, August 9, 2013

Into Each Life

Lately every day is a rainy day. Grey skies greet us in the morning, lightning wakes us in the night. We long for a day of sunshine.

The weather matches my spirits today. I’m thinking of Linda, Nan, Ron and Debbie, Fay, Sue Ann and others, including myself, into whose lives too much rain is falling. We wake each morning now to serious challenges and search our hearts for the courage to carry on with grace and determination.

Last week a horde of blister beetles stripped our sweet autumn clematis bare of leaves. But it's a brave vine, on the rebound and putting forth new leaves at an amazing rate. May we all meet our challenges with such vigor.

Just for the fun of it, here's “Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall.”  The  Ink Spots recorded it decades ago. 

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer

1 comment:

LawrenceLinda said...

Right on, Shirley! I'm putting on green shoots. Let the green fuse drive the flower of our green heart. Dylan said it all. Urge those nerve fibers on and I will encourage all kinds of knitting here. I am thinking chocolate is good for both.