Thursday, August 2, 2012

How To Be A Dinner Table Cut-Up with Fused Wrists

Having had both wrists fused last year I've gradually learned to accommodate the loss of wrist movement and learned new ways of doing things. The first time I tried to butter my breakfast toast, I was stymied. I had not realized that using a table knife required bending one's wrist.

After several frustrating dining experiences I began to experiment and discovered a new way of holding the knife.

Here's how I used to hold a knife. The only ways to use a knife in this position I would have to either stand up or raise my elbow to the level of my shoulder.

Here's the way I hold it now, the way I hold a pencil or pen. It works just fine and has become second nature to me.

Now I can use a knife at the table without making a spectacle of myself.


Jayhawk Fan said...

Very informative! I remember how worried you were that you wouldn't be able to do a thing with fused wrists!

Shirley said...

Yes, but I can do almost everything I want to do! I just can't retrieve ice cubes from the ice maker bin in the freezer. I have to use the dispenser in the door.