Friday, November 26, 2010


I've hosted at least forty Thanksgiving Day dinners in my day, but last year I said, "No more." This year Carol, our youngest, asked if the dinner could be at my house if I didn't have to do any of the work. Of course I agreed. I also agreed to make two pecan pies.

A house cleaner came. Nancy and Todd arrived with Zach and Cleo. Thanksgiving morning Carol came bearing a 23-pound turkey. Carol set to work, with Nancy and me as assistants. I thought the turkey a bit whimsical during the stuffing process.

After the turkey went into the oven, my girls went to the cool entryway to look at the wine.

What a gorgeous smile Nancy has...

but she can't keep from clowning. Carol's smile is pretty dazzling, too.

After that I put the camera away and enjoyed the day with sixteen guests. I hardly did a lick of work. What a great Thanksgiving! 

I hope that everyone who reads this had a lovely holiday, too. May we always remember that we have much to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Jayhawk Fan said...

My sister is a beauty: inside and out! Thanks for donating your house to the festivities, Mama! We had such a lovely time!