Thursday, November 11, 2010

Passing On

Well, Sandi died last week. She valiantly fought lung cancer for three years, but lost.

It was a lunch with Sandi and Barb that inspired my post on August 8, The End. I wanted to ask Sandi about her views on death, but my sense was that she simply refused to acknowledge it as a possibility. Instead we talked about ailments in a general sense and laughed a good deal as illustrated in this photo of my two guests.

I've reached the age of losing friends and neighbors. Each person has her own style of passing, but so far no one has talked about the process. Some, like Sandi, fight against the tide. Others, like my friend Ann, just lie down and ride it out without complaint.

A recent death-like experience of passing out made me think that death might not be as bad as I feared. Of course I had no opportunity to anticipate the event. That surely would be a different experience. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, I treasure memories of those who have passed before me and take great pleasure in being with those who are still here to be loved and cherished.

1 comment:

Jayhawk Fan said...

I'm treasuring YOU right now!
Love you, Mama, and see you very soon!