Sunday, October 10, 2010

Non-Stick Rant

Yep, I'm out of sorts over something again. This time it's non-stick 9"x9" baking pans. I use this size pan for cornbread. I serve it from the pan and don't turn it out on a cooling rack.

Sometimes an eager would-be eater grabs a knife to cut the cornbread, scratching the pan with every cut, then uses a metal spatula to remove a piece. After washing, the pan rusts. There goes another non-stick pan. (I use them to hold little pots of seedlings.)

This steel pan was not inexpensive. In case the brand is not evident, here's a close-up...

Hunting for a replacement I can find a plethora of brands, all with with non-stick coating, which I have vowed never to waste money on again. Glass pans don't seem to come in 9"x9" size.

I believe it is a conspiracy among bakeware manufacturers. As long as they all make only non-stick pans, they're assured repeat customers. Not this one, though. I'm boycotting them.

If anyone can tell me where I might find the pan I want, a suitable reward will be forthcoming.


Jayhawk Fan said...

Let me be the FIRST! I own a Corningware glass 9x9 pan with a LID! I purchased it from, heaven forbid!, Wal-Mart!

Shirley said...

Hot dog! Off to Wal-Mart I go.

You win every time, but frequent winners are NOT disqualified.

Jayhawk Fan said...

My bad! It's PYREX!

P.S. I know people now who say, "My bad," but Zachary was saying looong before it was common!