Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summer's End

Certain images say "late summer" to me. The drying sunflower head, for example.

Or the garden spider, who has been here all along, but wasn't of sufficient size to be noticed. This is the spider's underside. What a design!

Or the lobelia blossom with a hungry bee inside. This blossom is three-quarters of an inch tall. (I didn't measure the bee.)

And a surprise image -- a fresh fig borne by Kathy's fig tree, which lives in a pot and spends the winter in her detached garage. I had never before tasted the tender sweetness of a fresh fig.

High summer is so lush with images that we sometimes can't see the details. By late summer, foliage has thinned, blooms have gone to seed, the details emerge, and, if we are lucky, we get to eat a fresh fig.


Jayhawk Fan said...

I'm already gathering cosmos seeds for next year. My tomato plants look worn out even though they hardly gave me many tomatoes! Didn't you once tell me that late summer is spider season?!

Jayhawk Fan said...

Oh, I forgot to compliment you on the sunflower photo. I love it!

Now that you've tasted a fresh fig, are you thinking you need to grow a fig tree?

Love you!

Shirley said...

Late summer IS spider season, which will continue through October. One must carry a stick when out walking, to sweep away webs in the path.