Thursday, August 26, 2010

More Figs

To me, figs are exotic. To people who grow up in the south, they are the norm. People who live in Maine probably feel that way about wild blueberries. It's easy to take for granted such delightful parts of our lives if we've always had them.


Jayhawk Fan said...

Food stylist, that's what you are! I adore this display!

I want to taste one of these babies! You used to make a delicious date bar when we were growing up, but I don't think I've ever eaten a fresh date. I love Fig Newtons, but I know that taste isn't even close to a fresh fig. Do you just scoop out the center and eat it?

Shirley said...

We ate them just as you see them, but Kathy says that her aunt peeled the figs and made heavenly jam from just the centers. I liked the peel, which is tender and sweet, though not as sweet as the seed area.