Thursday, August 21, 2014

Going Bananas

I don’t know how many dead-ripe bananas I’ve given to the chickens. I buy a hand of bananas but the organic ones come in rather large bunches and we never manage to eat them all before they go beyond the pale. We use bananas most often in smoothies made with yogurt (thank you for yogurt, Middle-Easterners), bananas, another fruit such as blueberries, and a dab of honey, but we don’t make smoothies every day. I hated to waste overripe bananas, even on the hens, who, by the way, love bananas, even the peels.

When I was visiting Nancy this summer, she made smoothies for a light lunch. Then, declaring the remaining bananas on the verge of being too ripe, she peeled them, broke them into sections, dropped them into individual plastic bags, and popped them into the freezer. A couple of days later, she made smoothies again, using a frozen banana for each serving. They were delicious.

Today, seeing that our supply of bananas was fully ripe, I followed Nancy’s example.

Thank you, Nancy, for teaching this old dog a new trick.

Copyright 2014 by Shirley Domer

1 comment:

Jayhawk Fan said...

You're a quick learner for being an old dog!

Love YOU and miss you!