Monday, February 10, 2014


I’m beginning to get used to this winter weather. I don’t like it but I can tolerate it for a little longer.

Dennis the Intrepid has been my inspiration. Yesterday he set out for a walk in a snowstorm. The temperature was 13º F. He wasn’t gone for long before he returned. Ah, I thought, even Dennis can’t take it. I was wrong. He had come back to get his sunglasses to keep snowflakes out of his eyes. I see by his example that the only way to get past the weather is to ignore it and go about one’s business.

Today is bitterly cold again and grey. The house is festooned with icicles. Never mind. I’m making chicken soup and apple pie while Ray Charles serenades me. I’m determined to be happy with what I have – a warm house, plenty of food, and a good dog to keep me company. I'm a lucky woman.

Copyright 2014 by Shirley Domer

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