Saturday, March 16, 2013


Terminal illness and fatal illness are now called “life-limiting illness.” That’s what a hospice facility in Topeka calls it on its web page. In addition, “hospice” means hope, comfort and support at all times,” according to the web page.

Well, well, well. Where does the hope come in? Is it hope of heaven and better times ahead? Does a nurse stroke one’s brow and murmur “There, there, Jesus is coming to get you?”

Personally, I’d rather get real and call it terminal illness. I’d rather the hospice nurse would say, “You are going to die soon. We will try to ease your way into the great beyond.” And I just hope it won't hurt too much.

What a great experience death must be if one is allowed to die in peace or by surprise. You’re here and then you are not. Back to before you were born, I believe, but I’m a nut.

Our friend Tim is in hospice care now, in the very facility whose web site I quote above.  God help him.

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer

1 comment:

Shirley said...

As a follow-up, Tim died shortly after I wrote this post. Last Sunday a group of his friends gathered here in Paradise to scatter some of his ashes in our little memorial where the ashes of other friends now reside. It's good to have part of Tim here with us.