Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Rites of Spring

Today is Easter Sunday, the day Christians celebrate Jesus' triumph over death. Not by accident Easter always occurs in the spring, around the time of the vernal equinox. This is the time when those of us in the northern hemisphere are assured that life (spring) will overcome death (winter) and return anew. Trees leaf out, flowers bloom, garden seeds germinate and, as Tennyson observed, "a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love."

Here in Paradise we observe the spring ritual of getting baby chicks. Yesterday Laurie, our neighbor who wants to learn chicken husbandry, and I went to Orchelin's to select a dozen future egg-layers. Dennis stayed home to prepare a stock tank in the chicken house for the babies to live in. He set up a heat lamp, washed and filled the water and food dispensers, and taped a thermometer to the inside of the tank. Newspapers and pine chips cover the tank bottom as litter.

Laurie and I chose chicks from a cage labeled "Assorted Layers." We don't know what breeds they are but they settled right into their new home as a little motherless family.

Annie seemed to want to be their mother, but we had to say, "No," because she can't read the thermometer, which is essential to keeping the chicks warm but not too warm.

If Jesus were to return to earth today I'm not sure he would participate in the pomp and ceremony going on in churches and cathedrals. I think he would visit a homeless shelter, a nursing home and a refugee camp. I hope he would also find a moment to stop by Paradise to help nurture the baby chicks and celebrate with us this ritual of spring.

1 comment:

Jayhawk Fan said...

Amen, sista!

I chuckled at the description of Annie and the subsequent photo of her!

Love your post! If many of the so-called Christians I know understood how much pagan religion is infused in their own religion, they might shut up a piece and enjoy the show themselves!