Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Promise of Spring

It appeared at the hardware store, unexpectedly. My shopping list was complete.  A screen door closer and some light bulbs rode in the cart and I was headed for checkout, hoping to get out of town before the 5 o'clock traffic.

I was a woman on a mission but a display of potting soil in the aisle stopped me in my tracks. It and the two racks of garden and flower seeds that flanked it made my heart leap. "There is life after death," flashed through my mind and I grabbed a bag of seed starter mix to carry home as a reminder that soon I can start spring vegetable plants – broccoli, cauliflower – and long-season plants – peppers and tomatoes!

Starting little plants from seeds indoors at this time of year is a tonic, and there is no experience better to heal the battered soul than digging in the dirt, planting seeds and setting out transplants. As new growth develops we realize anew that life goes on whether we are present or not. We know in our very cells that we are a part of the multitudinous expressions of life and its cycles on this beautiful planet.

Please, please, we must do everything in our individual powers to protect and preserve the myriad manifestations of this great mystery of which we are living parts.


Jayhawk Fan said...

One of your more beautifully written posts, Mother! I absolutely adore the way you put words together; small parts that make a gorgeous whole! Thank the Lord for you, my dear woman!

Jayhawk Fan said...

I forgot! I wholeheartedly agree with you about digging in the dirt and how that makes me feel a part of the heartbeat of our world. I'm determined to make raised beds this summer so I too may grow food to eat!