Sunday, February 27, 2011


Nancy left six days ago. Here she is at La Quinta, waiting for the airport shuttle to take her away.

When the shuttle pulled away, my mood deflated like an abandoned balloon on the beach. There was no cure for the blues until she called this morning. We had a long visit, which gave me the oomph to get back to life.

Bye-bye, Nancy. I still miss you.

1 comment:

Jayhawk Fan said...

Shoot, I still miss you too! It makes me sad when I look at these pictures. How could I even be smiling like that when I was leaving?

Thanks for understanding that I accidentally stole your sleeping t-shirt! What a sweet woman you are!

I hope I can learn to be just as gracious. You are a good role model for sure.

We'll see one another soon, just in a different locale surrounded by many who will distract us from our friendship. At least we had this time together!

I love you, Mama!