Thursday, September 20, 2012

Listen Here, Mitt!

Listen, Mitt, I am not a deadbeat. I pay my bills. I pay my taxes. I pay a higher tax rate than you do. I keep my money in American banks. I try to be a good citizen and help my neighbors and those in need. I believe that mutual respect and concern for others is the foundation of democracy. I am a Democrat and I will vote for Barak Obama in November.

Mitt, most other Democrats are like me in all these respects. Seventy-two million Americans are deadbeats and lazy good-for-nothings who won't take responsibility for themselves, you claim? Bullshit. We are not looking for government handouts, but some of us need help, just as many Republicans do. Why Republicans on food stamps would support you I cannot imagine. The Republican party appears to be the last stand of white supremacy, but it as doomed as Custer was at Little Big Horn.

David Brooks, a Republican but a fairly reasonable man, had it right in his New York Times column this week when he said you are out of touch with America. We have to wonder what planet you are living on.

When Dennis and I spent two weeks in Delft, The Netherlands, a few years ago I marveled at the calm, rational culture there. One day we were eating lunch in a small restaurant when a woman struck up a conversation with us. (Virtually everyone I met there spoke excellent English.) I told her how much I admired her society and asked, "Where are the homeless people?"

"We don't have homeless people," she replied. Now, there's a country that loves its people and cares for all of them. I wish America could be like that. I wish people in America didn't feel the need to carry guns. I wish we valued education – true education, not glorified job training – as our forefathers did. I wish everyone wanted to pay his or her fair share for the benefits of an organized society. I wish you weren't trying to make us a dog-eat-dog culture. I wish a lot of things, but I realize that we live in an imperfect world in a country that has an inflated ego.

Whew, Mitt! I hadn't meant to listen to a word you say, but this one got through. I'm done now and going back to reading about geology in a wonderful book by John McPhee, Assembling California.

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