Sunday, July 3, 2016

When the Kids Come Home

Everything changes. Dennis puts more leaves in the table. I stock up the refrigerator. We put on clean sheets, round up extra pillows, and put labels on the towel hooks, one for each person.

Then they arrive! Hugs, tears of joy, and the bringing in of luggage ensue. Our pace picks up, conversation replaces silence, we cook and eat together, and relish every precious moment until we drop with exhaustion.

When Carol, Bill, Pippi, and Zander came to spend a whole week with us, that’s just what happened. I took only a few photos because I wanted to concentrate on their being here.

I caught Carol as she prepared to prune the cardinal bush, decked out in Dennis’s work clothes.

I snapped Pippi and Zander lovin’ on their daddy.

Pippi danced with her grandpa.

I caught the bucket brigade bringing in the potato harvest.

The week flew by, but that’s what happens when the kids come home.

Copyright 2016 by Shirley Domer


LawrenceLinda said...

You captured a wonderful week with words and pictures. Thanks for posting!

Jayhawk Fan said...

Beautiful photos! I sure did miss a special visit, but then, I think every family visit is pretty special!

Love you, Mama!