Thursday, June 16, 2016

Summer Begins

The rains have stopped and heat has set it. We’ve been over 90º for several days.

Heat, of course, puts an end to the spring greens in our garden. Lettuce, spinach, collards – all will rush to reproduce. In gardener’s parlance they will “bolt.” Tall stalks will arise and blossoms will appear. All the plants’ energy will go into reproduction mode.

Knowing that, Dennis has been harvesting lettuce like mad. Our refrigerator is stuffed with bags of romaine and buttercrunch, but mostly romaine, which just happens to be the best of all lettuces.

How timely! Tonight we’ll be eating tabbouleh, red pepper hummus, yogurt, and homemade pita bread along with Athena melon.  In Lebanese tradition tabbouleh is scooped up and eaten with a spear of romaine lettuce.

I like it when a cloud actually has a silver lining.

Copyright 2016 by Shirley Domer

1 comment:

Jayhawk Fan said...

I just ate dinner, but my mouth is watering for yours! Lovely-looking food!