Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Hurrier We Go...

Suddenly spring is over and summer is rapidly advancing. Everything seems to be happening at once. We can’t keep up. Yesterday we picked, cleaned, and froze cherries and gooseberries. I picked peas and we shelled them. Dennis dug some new potatoes so we could have the traditional “Peas and New Potatoes” dish for supper. He gathered the eggs. I ran errands in town and prepared three meals.

New potatoes, freshly dug and washed

This morning I harvested all the large lettuce plants – romaine, red curled, and bibb – picked a few more peas, and gathered sprigs of mint for iced tea. While I was cutting the lettuces I noticed to my dismay that due to temperatures in the nineties  several of the escarole plants are bolting. This means the escarole must be harvested tomorrow and immediately processed for freezing because there's no room in the refrigerator. 

Lettuces in the kitchen sink

Cherries are all finished but there are lots more gooseberries and a few strawberries to harvest. Black raspberries are rapidly maturing and there will be lots of them. Thank goodness the rabbit, Cottontail, is still eating the base stems of pea vines, causing the vines to wither and die. If not for Cottontail’s predations we would be up to our ears in peas.

Copyright 2015 by Shirley Domer

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