Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Enemy within

Once again, I have been humbled by a rheumatoid arthritis flare-up. Life was smooth sailing for days on end but then the enemy within hit my ankle to remind me of my vulnerability and eventual mortality. The ankle swelled. It was red and hot with inflammation, too painful to bend or walk on.

Thankfully, my brother and sister-in-law were here to give support. Holmes cooked meals and Candace did laundry and washed dishes.

I gathered my small arsenal of anti-inflammatory weapons – ibuprofen and sage tea. Holmes recommended a product called Curamin, a compound containing curcumin for pain and boswellia for inflammation. We found some at the Peak Nutrition Center in Galveston. I elevated my ankle and used ice packs, twenty minutes on and twenty minutes off. To calm my fears I rested and read Wolf Hall.

Two days down the road I’m walking comfortably again for short periods. The swelling is almost gone. Holmes and Candace will leave for Missouri today and I will be on my own. If I’m careful I’ll soon be able to walk on the beach again with beauty all around me, but I must always be mindful of the enemy lurking within.

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer

1 comment:

Jayhawk Fan said...

That enemy is such a stalker!
Glad to hear you're feeling better!

Love you!