Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Afterlife

What would it be like, I wonder., this afterlife people talk about. Say a person gets to heaven, then what? Hang out all day chatting with friends and family? Wouldn’t we run out of topics of conversation? Eternity is a very long time. There would be no baking of bread or planting the garden or gathering eggs, none of the physical activities I enjoy.

I’m just not attracted to the idea, nor do I hope for it. Far more appealing is the idea that my body’s molecules will be reorganized into other things: a toad, a leaf, a chicken feather.

This idea certainly is not original. Montaigne phrased it quite well, I think, when he wrote, “Your death is part of the order of the universe, it is part of the life of the world.”

Sounds good to me. I've always liked the phrase, "gone to her eternal rest."

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer

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