Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gray Day

The sun did not show its face today. Instead, persistent fog has grayed the sky and everything beneath it. In the bay nothing was happening.

On the beach I puzzled again about patterns in the sand. The dry sand is tan, but when the waves recede these wavy lines of black and white appear. Finally I realized that sand is made up of particles of many kinds of eroded rocks. As a wave recedes the black grains sink first, the white grains, weighing less, are carried a bit further toward the water and the tan grains stay put.

At the end of our beach walk I came upon a dead gull. It seemed still to be flying. Gray skies, gray water, and I mourned its passing.

This gray day will end with another crashing thunderstorm – a period at the end of a long, colorless sentence.

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer

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