Sunday, November 9, 2014

Anything but That!

 Ten days ago I had yet another operation, this one to replace the joint in my right knee, but I’m not going to write about that, except to say that it’s coming along quite well according to my physical therapist. I believe her because a couple of nights ago I finished brushing my teeth and looked around for the walker I’m supposed to use at all times. Unthinkingly I had walked from the bedroom to the bathroom without the walker.

Convalescence is too boring to deserve mention. I’d rather brag about the nifty ice pack holder I whipped up from an old bath towel and a bit of ribbon.

I’d rather show off Dennis’s fall planting of turnips, some of which we are having for supper tonight.

I’d rather focus on the hope and promise of young garlic already growing in the garden.

And I’d rather show how the early morning sun strikes the sycamores on the hillside across Chicken Creek Valley, a sight that makes it worthwhile to get out of bed on these autumnal mornings.

 Copyright 2014 by Shirley Domer

1 comment:

LawrenceLinda said...

How did you fix the turnips?
Have you tried roasting them with sweet potatoes, and Kansas firm pears? Then adding a bit of honey and PECANS on top.