Monday, October 27, 2014


 Only one house in our general neighborhood is surrounded by a chain-link fence. The fence has a big gate across the driveway. The gate is secured by a large padlock.

The fence was there when we moved here 39 years ago. Somewhere along the way the owner added a sign to the fence, “Beware of Dog.” Recently a new sign appeared.

Why this homeowner is so paranoid I do not know. In all these years only one burglary has occurred in our vicinity. That was when a distant neighbor’s nephew broke into his house and stole two shotguns.

I do know this: a sign warning of an armed homeowner does not encourage neighbors to drop by, bringing a plate of fresh-baked cookies.

Copyright 2014 by Shirley Domer

1 comment:

LawrenceLinda said...

Stay away. Stay very far away. Don't even bother to sniff the air and see if there are any ether fumes from coming from the house.