Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pass The Dressing, Please

This Thanksgiving we will have dinner at friends’ house. That will be lovely, but Dennis was regretful that we wouldn’t have leftovers, his favorite part of the Thanksgiving tradition. I would miss them, too, especially my favorite parts – dressing and gravy and cranberry sauce. That prompted me to start saving the remnants of our whole wheat bread, leftover biscuits, and cornbread, which are the basis of dressing.

Finally I couldn’t resist any longer. I roasted a turkey breast (two people could never eat a whole turkey) and made dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, and baked squash for last night’s supper.

I make dressing almost exactly the way my mother did. First, she slowly sautéed a considerable amount of chopped onions and celery in butter. These she poured over the broken up breads she had saved, Next she added lots of dried sage and mixed all these together. Finally, she poured in a sufficient amount of turkey broth to moisten the bread cubes, and lightly packed the mixture into a large, shallow baking dish. She never put the dressing inside the bird, but baked it separately.

I’ve changed her "recipe" only to add minced fresh parsley. Yesterday I had no giblets to provide broth, but I found a container of pheasant broth my brother left in our freezer last summer. For the gravy I used chicken broth I’d saved from stewing chicken for salad.

Oh, my, what a tasty supper we had! But, darn it, I forgot to make cranberry sauce.

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer

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