Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm Not Going To Talk about That

I’m not going to talk about global climate change any more. When I do, people look at me strangely and change the subject. They would rather talk about their most recent vacation or where they will fly next time. They couldn’t care less about global climate change, which is staring us in the face, while we watch football games on TV or read a really good historical novel.

Not everyone is uncaring, though. Twenty-five percent of Americans favor civil disobedience to protest our government’s lack of action on climate change. A Google search for “climate change civil disobedience” yields 313,000 hits. Some are duplicates, of course, but clearly there’s a powerful movement afoot. I’m not going to talk about that either.

I’m not going to talk about NOAA’s chief scientist, who urges civil disobedience against the burning of coal. I’m not going to mention that the Sierra Club has called for civil disobedience against climate change.  I’m not going to acknowledge that scientists, priests, geologists and many others have been arrested and done jail time for protesting against climate change. Nope, you won’t hear it from me.

Instead I’m going to post pretty pictures of food and pretend that climate change is not serious or even real.

Parsley Salad with Pickled Egg Garnish

 Leek Slices

If you're concerned about climate change, if you hope to preserve the world as we know it for posterity, if you are looking for someone to inspire you to join the protest, don't look to me because I'm not going to talk about that. 

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer


Jayhawk Fan said...

I'm left scratching my head when folks are obsessed over such minute things in our society rather than the issues that will bring us down. Just today, the news people are asking readers what they think about Kohl's opening their doors for business on Thanksgiving Day. No conversation at all about how most of what Kohl's sells is made in China and that most gifts we buy one another will end up in the "give away" pile or worse, the landfill. Such a cycle of mindless activity while we slowly dry out and burn up!

Anonymous said...

Nancy's comment is good. Your post is good. Climate change and people's apathy/fear is not good. Heck, if people are smart and creative enough to send movies via the internet, we're smart and creative enough to come up with solutions to global warming. But we have to be brave enough to admit that there is a problem first.