Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ten Things

Here are ten things I hope to do today.

1. Turn off my computer and iPad

2. Clean out another drawer or two

3. Walk around outside, breathing crisp fresh air

4. Plant parsley seeds in a pot and set it in a sunny window

5. Bake an apple pie

6. Find a big box to fill with things to take to the Social Service League

7. Write a letter to my grandson Zachary

8. Polish my shoes

9. Read more of Geraldine Brooks’  Year of Wonder

10. Take a nap

Lots of interesting, useful, restful things can happen when one turns off the electronic gadgets.

Pokeweed's Autumn Colors

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer


Jayhawk Fan said...

Cleo and I reviewed grammar rules instead of watching the boob tube! I was surprised how much fun we had!

Shirley said...

Good for you and Cleo! I didn't accomplish all the things on my list, but I did most of them. It was lovely to be free.

Jayhawk Fan said...

So, you like this book you're reading? Is it about the Plague?

Shirley said...

Yes, it is. Have you read it?