Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Self-Centered Acquaintence

I’m willing to bet that everyone knows at least one person who talks endlessly about herself or himself. When this person phones, she never asks, “How are you,” but starts in on a report on her day’s activities or accident or conflict in every detail. “She said,” and “I said” on and on.

Or, the friend who calls to invite you to meet him for lunch, but when you meet he launches into an hour’s account of his recent activities, injuries and plans without ever asking what you’ve been up to.

At a dinner party this person turns every topic of conversation to herself through whatever circuitous means she can devise. Strange silences ensue.

I could give dozens of examples, but you know at least one such person. My question is this: what is one to do with these folks? Maybe most of us tolerate them, but at my age I’m losing patience with this behavior. How much of the remainder of my life am I willing to devote to these monologues?

I have a fantasy of inviting all such people in my circle of acquaintances to a dinner party, serving the food and sitting back to see who prevails.

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer


LawrenceLinda said...

Yessiree....I'm thinking it is an academic disease which comes from holding forth for 50 minutes at a time while students sit passively in the classroom.
Are the people you are talking about teachers or ex-teachers? Bachelors who have no one to talk to?

Shirley said...

A couple of educators, but not restricted to that profession. Some are women, some are men. They come from all walks of life.

It seems you know one or two of these folks, too.