Monday, April 1, 2013


Suddenly today daffodils opened and my winter lethargy vanished. This is a bit odd because a big old cold front was pushing its way south, dropping temperature into the forties. Still, I found myself working energetically all day, finishing tasks that just yesterday seemed too difficult even to contemplate.

What is it about Spring, anyway, that she can so invigorate us?  There are places on this earth where Spring never visits. How do people who live there manage to keep going? They don’t experience winter either, so every day would seem the same.

Oh, yes, Spring is fickle, here today and gone tomorrow. She sometimes nips things in the bud, dashing our hopes for a crop of fruit or an early harvest of potatoes.

I’m glad I live where Spring comes to visit. For all her faults, Spring raises our spirits and gives us hope. She is fresh and new, she is the earth reborn. We feel reborn ourselves and we thank Goddess for spring!

Copyright 2013 by Shirley Domer

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