Monday, December 31, 2012

Far from The Fiscal Cliff

Unlike our Nation’s wise Congress sitting in Washington worrying and haggling over how to avoid going over the fiscal cliff, I am enjoying the last day of 2012 far removed from any sort of cliff.

The fiscal cliff was the farthest thing from my mind as I walked the beach this morning, breathing deeply of salt air and admiring the formation-flying skills of brown pelicans.

I enjoyed a funny little sand painting created by one of those mysterious creatures that live in the sand.

I puzzled once again over the objects we’ve seen time and again in the sand. They appear to be scraps from a man-made rubber object but on close examination they seem to be organic in origin. I'd love to know what they are.

Meanwhile, Annie found many delicious smells in the clumps of vegetation.

Annie wasn’t worried about the fiscal cliff either. She was disappointed, though, when she discovered that seawater hasn’t improved in taste since she sampled it yesterday.

I am thankful to end this year in harmony and beauty and mystery.

Copyright 2012 by Shirley Domer


Jayhawk Fan said...

Lil' Annie! She's a joy to view! Is she having as much fun at the beach as you are?

Missing "youse" guys!

Love you!

Shirley said...

Annie loves the beach and is getting used to living in a different house.

Missing you, too!