Sunday, December 30, 2012

Canal Breeze Comes up Short

Don’t get me wrong. I love this house, Canal Breeze. (West End houses have names. The first winter I came here I stayed in Whoda Thunk It.) This is my third winter in Canal Breeze. My first year here I was thrilled by the well-equipped kitchen. Compared to other vacation rentals, it was luxurious.

I’m sorry to say that over the years the kitchen equipment has deteriorated either through attrition or misuse. Saucepans have held up well, but the first evening here I discovered that the large skillet has badly scratched nonstick coating and is so battered up it won’t sit level on a burner. The small skillet is stainless steel, which should never be used in a skillet. Everything sticks, no matter how much oil is used.

Yesterday I decided I can’t live two months without a sauté pan, so I bought a new one – ten-inch, which will have to serve all size meals.

Last night I started the sponge for a loaf of slow-rise bread.* This morning I finished the process and looked in the cabinets for a large flat baking pan. The owner of this house obviously is not a baker, for I found absolutely nothing suitable. The only alternative was a 7”x11” glass baking dish with 2”-high sides. I dusted the bottom of the dish with cornmeal, as I usually do before placing the dough on it to rise.

In the oven the loaf outgrew the dish and climbed the sides. We had to pry it out with a spatula, causing quite a bit of damage to the bottom and ends of the loaf. Still, it turned out pretty well and will taste just fine.

There’s not a decent loaf of bread to be had in this dear old town, so I’m determined to bake my own. (OK, I'm spoiled.) Next time I guess I’ll oil the dish instead of using cornmeal. I’m sure not going to buy another cookie sheet, as I have plenty of those at home.

Suggestions for an alternative would be welcome.

*I posted the recipe for slow-rise bread on July 4, 2011. It's so easy everyone should try it, provided there's a cookie sheet or pizza stone at hand.

Copyright 2012 by Shirley Domer

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