Monday, April 13, 2015

My Camera(!) and Cauliflower Soup

Lordy, my camera has been messed up for three weeks, going on four! Somehow I’ve changed the settings and now all distance shots are blurred. Because I can’t use pictures to tell my story, I’ve been tongue-tied. My camera has become an essential part of my voice.

Consequently, I’ve not written about the removal of ugly old evaporative coolers from the Tucson houses. I failed to report on the spectacular burning of a huge pile of dead cedars in our Kansas pasture or the less dramatic burning of the pasture’s prairie grasses and forbes*. There’s been no commentary on the glorious forsythia and daffodils. Currently I can’t write about the narcissus, tulips, and lilacs that are in their full glory.

I’m frustrated, but the finicky camera still takes close-ups so I can write about the delicious accidental soup we had for supper yesterday. The day before I had roasted cauliflower florets with olive oil and about 3 teaspoons of mixed curry and turmeric. I thought they were tasty but Dennis said he prefers steamed cauliflower with cream sauce. There was plenty of leftover roasted cauliflower and the next day was chilly so I thought of soup, curried cauliflower soup. I had never eaten such a thing, but it seemed right. (Lousy photo, but the soup is all gone, so it's too late for another go.)

After you’ve cooked for 60 years, you aren’t afraid to wing it making soup. What veggies were in the fridge and which ones would work in a curry? I found a quarter of a big onion, a quarter of a red bell pepper, and couple of stalks of celery, so that’s where I started, adding another teaspoon of curry and minced garlic, and slowly sautéing everything in olive oil, then a cup of water. Finally I added the roasted cauliflower and a can of coconut milk, heated it, and pureed the soup with an immersion blender.

The soup was delicious. Dennis ate two bowlfuls. No cream sauce required.

Copyright 2015 by Shirley Domer

1 comment:

Jayhawk Fan said...

This soup sounds WONDERFUL!