Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I Didn't Croak

A week ago I got a left shoulder joint replacement. It took three hours and I lost a lot of blood, but I didn't croak. The first night was just as awful as I expected, but the pain subsided by the next night. I quit taking pain medication. That was a relief because it gave me a fiercely itching rash.

I have to wear a torturous sling called an Aircast day and night for another five weeks. For several days I had no appetite, but that is returning.

Here's the bad news: I can't move my forearm. When my brain sends an order there is no response. I can move my fingers a little, but they are slightly numb and my thumb feels dead. I am horrified. What if this is permanent? How could I live? I would be totally dependent on others for almost everything. I couldn't cook or sew or even bathe myself.  Loving family and friends are giving me excellent care, but they couldn't keep that up forever. What's worse, I'm a lefty and my right hand can barely manage to put food in my mouth. It can, however, use the keyboard.

I'm very scared and almost wish I had croaked.


Jayhawk Fan said...

I'm sending you positive muscle and nerve power thoughts!

Love you!

Cheryl said...

Ditto, Shirley! Wishing you muscle and nerve power!!!! With lots of love, Cheryl

LawrenceLinda said...

So glad you didn't croak! Nerve repair takes time. And muscle come back with use. Sleep and B vitamins and patience will bring you back.

Shirley said...

Thanks, Linda, for the B vitamin reminder.