Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nature's Art

No human can rival Nature as designer. The variety seems endless. Here are two examples – moths on our screen door this morning. Moths fly mostly at night. During the day they sleep on surfaces that complement their natural camouflage.

This one is pretending to be a dried leaf.

This one is too spectacular in design to hide itself successfully on the screen.

I don't know the names of these moths. I only know that they live their lives as art.


Jayhawk Fan said...

Is the top one a Miller moth? We've been besieged by them this past month! They're headed up to the mountains now for the summer where it's cooler.

Shirley said...

It might be a Miller moth, although it doesn't quite match Miller moth photos. After reading your comment I read an article from the Colorado State Extension Service about Miller moths. They are the adult stage of the army cutworm and sure enough they are now migrating to the mountains. That's what we'd all like to do.

Anonymous said...

what is the bottom one I have seen 2 now but a different color of grey black and little brown

Shirley said...

Daniel, I wish I knew. A little research might give an answer, but there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything. Try looking on line at enromology sites. And if you do, please let me know what it is.